Bridgette McAdoo, Global Sustainability Officer at Genesys

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Bridgette McAdoo -Global Sustainability Officer at Genesys

Bridgette McAdoo joins Sustainable Nation to discuss building the foundation of the sustainability program at Genesys.

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At Genesys, Bridgette McAdoo oversees the Global Sustainability practice. She is in charge of sustainability, which is a holistic management strategy that maximizes our effect on the economy, society, and environment. Bridgette is responsible for driving stakeholder engagement, education, and the advancement of the sustainable strategy and initiatives across Genesys in her role as the company’s sustainability leader. She uses sustainability indicators to track our non-financial performance and provide stakeholders with integrated reports.

Bridgette has more than 20 years of experience in sustainability leadership positions in a variety of industries, including the World Wildlife Fund (WWF), where she most recently oversaw corporate strategy and engagement for the WWF’s Freshwater and Food goals, the Global Director of Sustainability for KFC, where she oversaw all sustainability issues for the brand both internally at Yum! Brands and externally with various sustainability stakeholders, and operations roles with NASA.

She has an MBA in Strategy from the Drucker School of Management and a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from Florida Agricultural and Mechanical University.


  • Laying the groundwork for sustainability at Genesys
  • Suggestions for identifying and employing qualified sustainability personnel
  • Emissions from product use measured
  • Advice and suggestions for sustainability experts on how to balance sustainability with working from home